Project Blue Book - Where the conspiracy began!Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2019– ) - 7.6*IMDb Stars: Aidan Gillen, Michael Malarkey, Laura Mennell Mi-au plăcut întotdeauna...
The Last Czars - One piece of lost history.Documentary | TV Series (2019– ) - 7.1 IMDb Stars: Robert Jack, Susanna Herbert, Ben Cartwright Imi place foarte mult latura istorica a...
Cernobâl - HBO da lovitura cu un serial impresionant!Drama | TV Mini-Series (2019) - 9.7*IMDb Stars: Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgård, Paul Ritter Aveam 15 ani cand a avut loc catastrofa de...
Pacific - Un serial cu Rami Malek pe coperta!Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Mini-Series (2010) - 8.3* IMDb Stars: James Badge Dale, Joseph Mazzello, Jon Seda In 1998, Tom Hanks si...
Trotsky -Biography | TV Mini-Series (2017) - 7.1*IMDb Stars: Konstantin Khabenskiy, Mikhail Porechenkov, Max Matveev Mi-a placut intotdeauna...
Cum a luat-o pe coaja cea mai tare armata din lume - Vietnam WarDintre toate conflictele epocii moderne, cel de-al doilea razboi mondial a avut parte de cea mai mare acoperire cinematografica. Sute de...
Black Sails - Un serial care creeaza dependenta!Adventure, Drama | TV Series (2014) - 8.3 * IMDb Stars: Jessica Parker Kennedy, Toby Stephens, Hannah New M-am intalnit cu Black Sails...
Vikings - un serial cu 11 nominalizari la EmmyAction, Drama, History | TV Series (2013– ) - 8.6* imdb Stars: Gustaf Skarsgård, Katheryn Winnick, Alexander Ludwig Serialul Vikingii...
Tutankhamun - Un serial care s-a terminat mult prea repede!Drama, History, Romance | TV Mini-Series (2016) - 7.2* - IMDb Stars: Max Irons, Jonathan Aris, Sam Neill In serialul Tutankhamun facem...